Wed, Apr 12, 23.

Jesus, Man and Life

  1. Man was made to manage creation [Gen 2:5,15].
  2. God loves man because man is made in His Image.
  3. God chose man because they are weak [Deu 7:6-7].
  4. John teaches in his gospel that Jesus came to give us life.
  5. A man’s righteousness cannot gain him access to the Tree of Life, even if he has never sinned. Adam’s transgression hinders us from entering the presence of God where the Tree of Life is.
    • Would one be able to return what Adam stole from the garden?
    • Man lost the right to the garden in Adam
    • Man needs another right, another lineage to gain access to the garden again.
  6. The Law of Moses was another chance for man to gain life; it made men God’s people again, and offered life.
  7. Eternal life is proof of sonship [Joh 2:16-22].
  8. A principle taken for granted in scriptures is that God does not do miracles Himself, but He operates through a vessel (Prophet). We cannot find the prophet who raised Jesus from the dead, so He must have raised Himself.
  9. The prophets and wise men of old knew that God had a Son [Pro 30:4]
  10. Jesus making a man whole on the Sabbath was a prophetic announcement that He was going to make man(kind) whole on the Sabbath (i.e., the resurrection).
  11. The human race, like Israel, was forsaken for 38 years in the wilderness, till they entered the land. In the same way, the lame man was lame for 38 years, till Jesus healed him on the Sabbath.